We want to re-introduce our monthly coupons to our loyal members.
Starting October 15th, 2024!
Check the website's homepage every month to find out how much the monthly coupon will be then mention it at the time of your checkout.
Four years after COVID and 1 year after a 'doggy covid', we have pushed to ensure we can serve our clients to the best of our ability while sustaining serious changes, government mandates, and insane inflation. We endured many adversities that forced us to make business decisions that helped keep our doors open and our team taken care of.
Many patrons didn’t care for our membership and internal changes, and they left us with harsh words and a misperception of the reasons we needed to make changes.
Some left….but most of you stuck it out with us despite our struggles and sometimes human shortcomings.
We tried to soften the blow by offering coupons. We had to stop coupons as inflation spiraled out of control and we still barely made ends meet. Many were kind and understanding, but some just simply didn’t understand the hurdles we were trying to overcome and the very thin profit margins associated with running a service-based, labor-intensive business.
It’s all working out. YOU supported us and encouraged us regardless of the tough changes. It feels AMAZING to have such an army of people cheering us on!
It has made it possible for us to not only support our team and ongoing education in this industry, but also support the community by; donating MANY baskets and free grooms to silent auctions in support of Mill Dog Rescue, Glen Eagle Sertoma, Tri Lake Empty Bowls Foundation, sponsoring the SOCO Recovery Rally, school sports, District 20, District 38, and continuing our efforts in Neurodivergent Empowerment and Project Recovery. All the while we were able to balance the newly mandated expenses by the state- FAMLI, Retirement plans, and paid sick time to our team (they deserve it, but it came with high costs).
We are making it happen…but we couldn’t and didn’t make it happen without YOU!
Thank you Thank you Thank you!!!
It is an honor serving ALL of you and we hope you continue your unwavering understanding and support through our growth and persisted service.
Sunday Hours- 9-3 PM- Book your appointments now for Sundays.
As many of you know, we are a faith-based organization and have reserved this day in the past for all who want to have the day off- However, with our boarding, added staff, and added projects, we recognize a need to be open on this day. Please know that all of our team members have the ability to still take this day off and we support them and promise to do our part to keep enough support team members that they can rest when they need, take days off when they need, and have coverage if they need.
Evening Appointments: will be open till 8 PM on MONDAY, TUESDAY, AND WEDNESDAY for those who need to schedule later and have later pick-up times. The last appointment can be booked as late as 5:30 PM.
Please also remember if you ever need anyone to talk to, someone to answer questions, or if you’ve endured a financial setback- there is someone here who can help set up a good routine, and a practical haircut, and offer assistance in a manner that can help. Please don’t hesitate to ask. We will ALWAYS answer! We have an ENTIRE team with amazing human hearts!
All my love, care, and concern ALWAYS,
Angela Kate Bonham
There is unimaginable grace for every unimaginable struggle.